Hey, welcome! My name is Chris (technically Christopher but let’s just keep it short for now). I currently live in Columbia South Carolina (born and raised) with my wife Shilo. No kids (yet!) but we are kept busy with our dog Phoebe and Tortoise named Carrot - yes a tortoise. We met “all” the way back in 2015. I was busy with bike and she was going to school in Florida. Fast forward five years and we reconnect during Covid. She is a pretty awesome girl so I popped the question pretty quickly and we became husband and wife November 6 2021. This is all relevant because we met through cycling and the bicycle shop I was working at during this time.

Like many of us out there I began cycling because of my parents - morse so my dad. My wife Shilo falls into this same camp. I began racing mountain bikes at a very early age at our local trail system. As I grew older I started to travel throughout the southeast going to bike races - and winning one or two every so often. Around 2007 I started working at a bike shop where I got my first of many road bikes. This led me to where I am today.

Now to brag just a bit about myself. I don’t normally do that , honest, ask my wife, (shilo@mayflowercycleworks.com) so please bear with me (or just stop reading now haha). When I started working at the bike shop I was 15. I have since move on to another occupation but my time there left a lasting impression. I worked there up until some time in 2022. Over my 15 year tenure I learned it all. Selling, marketing, wrenching, bike fitting, inventory management, people management, wholesale account management, six figure pre season orders, you name it, I did it. All the while I am riding my bike, a lot, like 15,000+ miles a year a lot. I was racing as much as I could (retail, IYKYK). I have racked up multiple state and regional championship titles across several disciplines. Category 1 MTB, road, time trial, crit - I could not get enough. The bike was my escape from the world. Unfortunately I could not outpace the world…


“The higher you climb the harder the fall.” Been there, done that… I want to be as real and transparent as I can be. Life is not easy - speaking to the choir, I’m sure. I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. Some days are good, some, not so much. Just for some perspective I have been hospitalized several times and participated in extended outpatient care. I am prone to self harm and reckless behaviour. Like many I find my mood and outlook on life suffers when I am unable to do what I love. This is where the bike has saved me more times than I could count. Like all exercise the chemicals your brain releases are addicting and just feel good.

Fast forward to present day and although my yearly mileage has taken quite a dip, my passion for the sport is greater than it has ever been. This has led me to a place where I want to be able to create or revise current cycling equipment, build an open community, make some friends and (not going to lie) maybe make a few dollars to support our growing tortoise. So again, Welcome. I hope you find something positive here and GO RIDE YOUR BIKE!!!